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Take part in the PEC’s Good Work Review

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A call for evidence about the quality of work in the creative sector

Call for Evidence

Deadline for responses: 5pm Friday 29 April 2022

Download the Call for Evidence form


Enhancing job quality and promoting work that is good, fair and decent is now an explicit priority in each UK nation, as set out in the UK Government Good Work plan and the Programmes of Government in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

There is growing recognition that pan-economy labour market reforms must be coupled with sectoral strategies, which seek to tackle distinct issues and shape an approach that works in the industry context. The Creative Industries have the opportunity to be the first sector to develop a roadmap for advancing Good Work, comprising action by Government and Industry, over the long-term, and contextualised with the distinct challenges and policy priorities in each UK nation.

To support the development of this roadmap, the PEC is spearheading a major new review of job quality and working practices in the Creative Industries.

The Good Work Review will provide a rigorous and balanced assessment of the opportunities and the risks that creative work presents, developed with industry-wide stakeholders in each of the four nations, so that action can be more appropriately customised to tackle the most pressing and varied needs. You can download the Overview and Terms of Reference to find out more about the PEC’s Good Work Review.

This Call for Evidence seeks to kickstart a conversation about the quality of work in the Creative sector and how Government and Industry can work together to advance Good Work in the Creative Industries.

The PEC is keen to hear from a variety of stakeholders from across the sector and in each UK nation, including policy makers, industry bodies, unions, charities, subject matter experts, diversity champions, businesses and creative workers, particularly freelancers.

How to submit evidence:

Please submit your evidence by completing the form below and emailing your response as an attachment by 5pm on Friday 29th April to

You do not need to answer all the questions but please share all relevant experience and insight – your contribution is vital to ensuring we hear from a representative cohort of stakeholders.

Alternatively you can print the form and return your response by post to:

Billy Beckett Nesta / Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) 58 Victoria Embankment London EC4Y 0DS

If you would prefer to contribute to this Call for Evidence by participating in a telephone consultation with one of the PEC research team, please get in touch.

Key documents:

Get in touch:

The PEC is actively seeking to engage with a multitude of stakeholders throughout the course of the Review including policy makers, industry bodies, unions, charities, subject matter experts, diversity champions, businesses and creatives. We encourage all stakeholders to raise awareness of the Review, to ensure we hear from a diversity of voices, from across the sector. We are also inviting a range of stakeholders to participate in interviews and policy roundtables.

Please contact Heather Carey, at the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre for more information.

Data protection and privacy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy and we take all reasonable precautions to safeguard personal information. This privacy notice does not cover the links within this site linking to other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

If you submit a response to the Call for Evidence we will use your information for the purpose of this project. You will be asked in the survey whether you would like your response to be treated as anonymous or whether you would like your evidence to be attributed to you.

General principle: We will keep all personal data that you provide to us, for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which you gave us the information.  We will securely delete the personal data when it is no longer needed for that purpose, as explained in more detail below.

Consent: We keep records of consent, and any withdrawal of consent, on our files for as long as your personal information is being used in line with that consent and for a period of 6 years after the consent is withdrawn (unless otherwise requested by you).

To the extent that personal data arising from any research is embodied within a research report or other research outcome, it will be retained in perpetuity as part of the published materials.

Processing for statistical analysis purposes: This type of processing will only be undertaken whilst we retain your personal data in line with the principles explained above.

Who else has access to your information?

We will share your personal data with Work Advance, who are conducting the Good Work Review Call for Evidence.

Read the PEC privacy policy

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