The Creative PEC was founded in 2018 to bridge the worlds of policy, research and industry in the UK’s creative industries. Since then, we have published over 60 in-depth, high-quality research reports, to build a bank of evidence to inform policy to support the growth of the creative sector across a range of fields, from innovation and technology to education and diversity.
Research and Policy
State of the Nations
The Creative PEC’s ‘State of the Nations’ report series uses the latest data to inform policymakers, industry and researchers on economic developments in the Creative Industries
Research by theme
Explore our published research covering the ten thematic areas of the research programme established in the first five years of the Creative PEC.
State of the Nations
Research by Theme
Live Research Programmes
Nesta Creative Economy Research Archive
Nesta Creative Economy Archive
Between 2006 and 2018, Nesta produced a series of influential research papers on a wide range of top…