Future Screens NI and levelling-up in a pandemic environment
Future Screens NI is one of nine creative clusters in the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Creative Industries Clusters Programme, of which the PEC is a part of. Future Screens NI (FSNI) is focused on delivering technical skills, opportunity and growth across film and broadcast, animation, games, and immersive technologies in Northern Ireland. This report is written by Professor Paul Moore from Ulster University, who is both a PEC researcher and also the Director of Future Screens NI.
This report offers insight into the ways in which FSNI has developed strategies to address the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the creative economy, and in turn made significant policy advances. These advances have allowed what were initially short-term initiatives to become formally embedded in the social and cultural infrastructure of the cluster. Like the other eight creative clusters across the UK, the primary focus of FSNI is on growth in the creative industries through investment in research and development (R&D). However, FSNI has also been found to have had an impact on the social and cultural life of the region. This report examines a number of case studies which illustrate this social and cultural impact and suggests how these examples might have a resonance for both local and national policy makers across the UK and, in some cases, internationally.
This report is being published as part of the PEC’s campaign Creative Places, which is calling for the government to invest in our local creative industries via targeted funding to creative microclusters
Please reference this paper as:
Moore, P (2021) Cultural brokerage and creative clusters. London: Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre and Ulster University. Available from: https://www.pec.ac.uk/assets/publications/Cultural-Brokerage-And-Creative-Clusters-PEC-Report-July-2021.pdf

Header image supplied by Future Screens NI of Belfast Design Week
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