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Discussion Papers

metal wire art installation - courtesy of Alina Grubnyak
International Trade Challenges and the Effectiveness of Support Measures for the UKā€™s Creative Industries

The formidable challenges confronting the UK’s creative industries in the realm of exports, stā€¦

High Street
Northern Englandā€™s Creative Industries

The Creative Industries are already a driver of growth across the UK economy. Export-intensive and mā€¦

Side of building with artwork of man and a robin
Creative Destruction? Creative firms, workers and residential gentrification

A new study by Tasos Kitsos, Max Nathan, and Diana Gutierrez-Posada finds only a minor influence of ā€¦

Family watching a tablet
Speaking with One Voice

A fundamental remit of the BBC, and other public service broadcasters (PSBs) like ITV and Channel 4,ā€¦

Dance performance
Transitioning to Sustainable Production across the UK Theatre Sector

This discussion paper examines transitional pathways to sustainable theatre production in the UK. Byā€¦

clothes hanging on rail
Identifying and analysing UK fashion micro-clusters

The UK’s Fashion and Textiles industry contributed almost Ā£20 billion to the UK economy in 202ā€¦

Tree close up in a forest
Net Zero as a catalyst in fashion micro and small enterprises

This report identifies examples of work taking place across three levels of change – social, eā€¦

Union Jacks over Portobello Road, London
The Motives of Inbound Foreign Direct Investors in the UK Creative Industries

The UKā€™s creative industries have a global reach. British arts, technology, and design are internatiā€¦

EU Flags on flag poles
Brexit uncertainty and international trade in services: Evidence from the UK creative industries 2014-2019

This discussion paper is based on one of the first studies to look at the impact of Brexit on the Crā€¦

Arts centre
Working Together ā€“ Cooperatives as a creative industry business model

This authors looks at how creative workers and students typically understand cooperatives, explore tā€¦

Music Concert
Building sustainable regional music industry clusters

This report looks at the role the creative industries can play for the Levelling Up agenda, as well ā€¦

Monkey sign on lamp post
Crypto art and questions of value

Crypto Art is a novel, emerging creative form that is entirely digital, and native to the internet. ā€¦

Music concert
Live music ecologies in the UK: A local perspective in the context of the pandemic

In 2019, the UKā€™s live music sector was valued at over Ā£1.3 billion. After almost a decade of strongā€¦

The role of the university in enhancing creative clusters

Universities are important for driving growth in their local creative industries. At the same time, ā€¦

Millennium Bridge
Creative clusters and sparse spaces: Manchesterā€™s creative industries and the geographies of deprivation and prosperity

The aim of this paper is to ā€˜take stockā€™ of the creative industries in Manchester and to explore theā€¦

Coastal village arial image
Creative industries innovation in seaside resorts and country towns

Read our four page policy brief for key recommendations based on this research: Insights for Policymā€¦

Person throwing paper areoplane
What distinguishes creative industry exporters? And does engaging in innovation, R&D and design matter?

Post-Brexit, the UK government is keen to accelerate UK exporting, including in creative goods and sā€¦

TV Studio
The nature of foreign direct investment in the creative industries

For the host country receiving the investment, there is a wealth of evidence that FDI can increase pā€¦

Stack of news papers
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and cultural sector: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund

Newspapers covered many of the impacts of COVID-19, from the psychological strain of lockdown isolatā€¦

Woman relaxing watching her laptop. With a cat
Culture in quarantine? Cultural institutionsā€™ uses of Twitter during lockdown

Cultural institutions, such as museums and galleries, are important for local communities. They are ā€¦

Wall art
The relationships between cultural organisations and local creative industries in the context of a cultural district

This Discussion Paper was commissioned by the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) aā€¦

Circuit board close up
Starving the golden goose? Access to finance for innovators in the creative industries

Please note: this paper has been accepted in Journal of Cultural Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10824ā€¦

People writing notes
What is the public value of public service broadcasting?

This question has long been a subject of lively debate, bringing together the competing priorities oā€¦

Pink interior with blue plant
Pivot to digital: How museums and galleries responded to COVID-19

As the UK went into full lockdown in March 2020, museums and galleries were faced with the prospect ā€¦

Plane wing
Creative firms and trade

The implications for policymakers emerging from this work are explored in our Policy Briefing: ā€¦

image of person sifting through box of vinyl records
A review of creative trade in the economics literature

This paper summarises the key research and models for creative trade. Starting with a general overviā€¦

abstract artwork
The UKā€™s international creative trade: A review of the official data sources

There is a growing recognition among policy makers and governments around the world of the importancā€¦

Adventure Island
Growth through skills: Lessons from the Thames Estuary Production Corridor

This discussion paper is a case study for how to drive growth within creative clusters through invesā€¦

Front of a shop
Do creative industries generate multiplier effects? Evidence from UK cities 1997-2018

A paper examing the long-term impacts of the creative industries on surrounding urban economies

image of Liverpool street during European capital of culture event
The European Capital of Culture: A review of the academic evidence

A literature review & policy implications of the impact of the Capital of Culture on local economies

image of interior of library - courtesy of Luke Tanis
R&D, design and innovation: Examining the links in the creative industries

This paper provides policymakers, academics, and creative industry organisations with one of the firā€¦

Neon sign
The emergence of platform regulation in the UK

A discussion paper examining the emerging field of platform regulation in the UK

Image of country house - courtesy of Kenny Orr
Creating value in place

The role, contribution and challenges of creative freelance work The creative industries are incrediā€¦

picture of old portable TV sat in gap in stone wall - courtesy of Shubham Verma
The challenges facing freelancers in Scottish Film and TV

An analysis of 45 years of data from the Film Bang directory COVID-19ā€™s effect on the creative indusā€¦

image of theatre sign - advertising Micheal Jacksons Thriller
Comparative analysis of pay and conditions: London’s West End and New York’s Broadway

This discussion paper feeds into our wider research on freelancers, considering the employment condiā€¦

aerial shot of open pages of books - courtesy of Patrick Tomasso
Evolution and trends of creative cluster research

A systematic literature review and future research agenda The geographical clustering of creative anā€¦

image of people playing saxophone - courtesy of Jens Thekkeveettil
International creative students: their significance for UK universities, regions and the creative industries

Assessing the value of higher education has become a divisive issue, in particular, the use of graduā€¦

image architect drawing on scroll of planning - courtesy of Daniel McCullough
A skills monitor for the Creative Industries

Workplace perspectives: skill needs, mismatches and development in the Creative Industries This Creaā€¦

image of crucible theatre Sheffield - courtesy of Gary Butterfield
Relatedness between the Creative Industries and the wider economy: A primer

The Creative Industries are seen as an key part of the knowledge economy, and policymakers inveā€¦

Measuring the creative economy: A guide for policymakers

Policy debates on the creative industries are mired in ambiguities and inconsistencies in terminologā€¦

image of potter at wheel
Skills, talent and diversity in the creative industries: critical issues and evidence gaps

Following a nine-month evidence synthesis and scoping exercise undertaken by the PEC team leading onā€¦

woman looking a artwork on wall - courtesy of Matthew Kwong
Immersive experiences in museums, galleries and heritage sites: a review of research findings and issues

Interest in immersive experiences in museums and heritage sites has increased in recent years in resā€¦

image of Angel of the North Gateshead - courtesy of Anthony Winter
Mind the gap: regional inequalities in the UK’s creative industries

Using official Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Economic Estimates, this Discā€¦


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