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COVID-19: Impacts on the cultural industries and the implications for policy
We’re collaborating with the Centre for Cultural Value on a 15-month research project We’…
Press release: Just 16% of people in creative jobs are from working class backgrounds and those from privileged backgrounds more likely to shape what goes on stage, page and screen
Research on class imbalances across creative sector & programme of work for a more inclusive sec…
Call for papers: Creative and cultural ecologies in European urban and regional development
Applications closed on 21st September 2020. An invite to take part in an online workshop and a call …
Announcing our first commissioned research projects
Research into freelancers, place-based growth and business models in the creative industries Along…
Introducing the next wave: from poetry to pottery and illustration to immersive tech
Expanding our network of Industry Champions Engagement with industry is crucial to the PEC’s success…
Call for research proposals
Applications closed on Monday 30th September 2019 Applications closed on Monday 30th September 2019 …
Press release: How big data and machine learning can be used to generate more meaningful insights on gender inequality
Measuring gender imbalances in reporting on the creative industries Researchers analyse over half a …
Meet the PEC’s network of Industry Champions
Industry engagement is crucial to our success as a policy & evidence centre for creative industr…
We are consulting on research priorities
The PEC’s Policy Unit is consulting across the creative industries on research priorities The …
Introducing the PEC’s International Council
The PEC & the British Council collaborate on international learning for the UK’s creative indust…
Press release: New research shows creativity will become even more important to the growth of jobs between now and 2030
First study from the PEC uses 35 million UK job adverts to look at creativity & the future workf…