Identifying and analysing UK fashion micro-clusters
The UK’s Fashion and Textiles industry contributed almost £20 billion to the UK economy in 2020 and remains a major UK employer with 500,000 jobs support...

Understanding createch R&D
This report makes for a timely contribution for UK policymakers as they revisit growth priorities for the creative industries. Createch is a term that has been ...

Mapping and examining the determinants of England’s rural creative microclusters
More targeted support could unleash the potential of Rural Creative Enterprises It is well documented that creative industries are clustered in urban areas. Thi...

Creative Radar 2021: The impact of COVID-19 on the UK’s creative industries
This is the second report from the Creative Radar series, by PEC researchers at the University of Sussex, and funded by the AHRC. The authors analysed data from...

Evolution and trends of creative cluster research
A systematic literature review and future research agenda The geographical clustering of creative and cultural industries is a topic that has gone from being re...