International, Trade and Immigration
The creative industries are global. Countries around the world are increasingly prioritising them in an attempt to harness their economic, social and cultural value.
Creative PEC’s research examines how the UK’s creative industries operate in international markets through the trade of creative goods and services, talent migration, and foreign investment.
Publications and Posts
Post-Brexit migration and accessing foreign talent in the Creative Industries
The UK’s departure from the EU has changed the way that British firms trade and work with Euro…
12 facts about the UK’s international trade in creative goods and services
Worldwide exports of creative goods exceeded 500 billion USD in 2015, with a 150% increase since 200…
The migrant and skills needs of creative businesses in the UK
This report details the results of a survey of employers commissioned by the Creative Industries Cou…
Policy Brief: International Trade and the UK Creative Industries
This policy brief examines international trade in the UK creative industries. Drawing on our UK Trad…
A global agenda from the PEC’s International Council
You can now read the report in A Global Agenda for the Cultural and Creative Industries is the …
The Creative Industries in the UK’s Export Strategy
This brief is based upon the findings of our latest research into the features and barriers facing t…
New Government-backed survey will provide unprecedent insight on what drives growth in the creative industries
In further indication of the increasing importance the Government is putting on the creative industr…
UK Government’s growth ambitions threatened by widening creative industries skills gap
Embargoed 00.01 GMT Wednesday 12 February 2025 The rapid growth of the UK’s creative industries has …
Invest at scale in place-based approaches to unleash potential of ‘Foreign Direct Investment’ in UK’s creative industries says new research
Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 20 November 2024 GMT With the UK Government’s forthcoming industrial strat…
With the right financial support creative industries could fuel the Government’s growth mission and help tackle persistent regional inequality
A new report published today by the AHRC-funded Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Crea…
Access to Finance: launch of new research project
New research is being undertaken by Creative UK in partnership with the Creative Industries Policy a…
New research points to a looming creative economy skills shortage across the UK
New report shows ‘severe’ decline in creative further education participation Embargoed 17 July 00.0…
Press Release: New research, including – once in a decade data – provides comprehensive overview of audiences and workforce across arts, culture and heritage.
Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 15 May 2024 (BST) For the first time, census data has been used to provide…
Press Release: UK’s creative industries are an export success story
New report shows creative strength despite Brexit and Covid Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 20 March 2024,…
Introducing the Creative PEC’s Research Fellows Network
By Professor Hasan Bakhshi, Director Creative PEC and Professor Giorgio Fazio, Director of Research …
‘One Creative North’ plans finalised at summit ahead of Convention of the North
30 organisations meet to set out a bold new vision for the north of England’s creative industries To…
Press Release: Investing in ‘creative clusters’ is key to economic growth– and helping to level up the UK economy
A new report published today, provides fresh insight on where policy intervention could be best targ…
Press release: With coordinated action North of England based creative industries could add £10bn to the UK economy
Today, the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and the Creative Industries Polic…
Trade in creative services: scale, trends, and geography
Creative services such as advertising, publishing, and design are an important part of global trade.…
How to support the creative industries around the world
‘We need a change in mindset’ On 7 December 2021 the PEC’s International Council launched …
How the pandemic is impacting creative sectors around the world
The creative industries have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Over the past months our…
The Brexit shock in the UK’s fashion and textile industry
While the dreaded no-deal scenario did not materialise when the UK left the EU single market and cus…
The impact of Brexit on UK’s cultural and creative sectors: More heat than light?
The creative industries have been a pillar of the UK’s industrial strategies in the past two decades…
Free-time, leisure, culture and learning in 2020
The beginning of this new decade, the 2020s, was marked by irreversible disruptions. For the first t…
UK sovereignty: A challenge for the creative industries
Under the three word strapline, Check, Change, Go, a new campaign aims to prepare the UK for th…
Rebuilding the creative economy with conscious capital: A view from the United States
At the start of the COVID-19 crisis, the UN Secretary General asked artists, filmmakers, m…
Brazilian culture and creativity during COVID-19: Solidarity and lives
Paraphrasing Jorge Amado, a famous Brazilian literary writer of the twentieth century, in his popula…
Safeguarding a creative and cultural moment
A discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on East Africa’s creative sectors In the first decade of the …
The hopes and fears that creative employers have for “points-based” skilled immigration post-Brexit
One bright spot in an otherwise uncertain year for immigration policy, was the expansion in October …
How internationally competitive are the creative industries?
Creative industries in the global economy Recent international trends show that the creati…