AI, Intellectual Property and Regulation
Exploring the ways in which people’s rights to benefit from their creative products and services are protected, and how the emergence of new technologies challenges regulators.
Publications and Posts
The emergence of platform regulation in the UK
A discussion paper examining the emerging field of platform regulation in the UK
Television production, international trade and pressures to consolidate
The UK television production sector is one of Britain’s leading creative export sectors. This briefi…
The birth of neo-regulation. Where next for the UK’s approach to platform regulation?
A new era of tech regulation is about to begin. However, planned legislation is leading to a tension…
The Regulation of Online Platforms: Mapping an emergent regulatory field
This policy brief is designed to accompany the Discussion Paper,The Emergence of Platform Regul…
On-Demand Culture: How the lockdown is changing games and streaming services
Covid-19 regulations and restrictions have meant conventional forms of leisure and culture have eith…
Understanding how our habits of cultural consumption changed during lockdown – wave 9 data
Insights from the nine-week study into consumers cultural consumption habits – data from wave …
As lockdown eased: How our habits of cultural consumption at home are changing
The outbreak of COVID-19 and the halt on many cultural and creative activities, from live music, to …
Copyright and AI – a new AI Intellectual Property Right for composers, authors and artists
Background The new technology landscape emerging from the super rapid progress in developing AI, Gen…
Copyright protection in AI-generated works: Evolving approaches in the EU and China
Prof Kristofer Erickson discusses the different approaches the EU and China have taken in response t…
Copyright protection in AI-generated works
Timely exploration of copyright law and AI generated creative content