Foreign Direct Investment in the UK’s Creative Industries
A Creative PEC State of the Nations Report With the UK Government’s forthcoming industrial strategy highlighting the creative industries as a key sector for b...

UK Trade in a Global Creative Economy
A Creative PEC State of the Nations report...

The nature of foreign direct investment in the creative industries
For the host country receiving the investment, there is a wealth of evidence that FDI can increase productivity and employment and lead to broader development b...

Starving the golden goose? Access to finance for innovators in the creative industries
Please note: this paper has been accepted in Journal of Cultural Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10824-022-09448-5 This problem can make it hard for creative indu...

Creative firms and trade
The implications for policymakers emerging from this work are explored in our Policy Briefing: The Creative Industries in the UK’s Export Strategy. The e...

A review of creative trade in the economics literature
This paper summarises the key research and models for creative trade. Starting with a general overview of how creative goods and services have been defined in t...

The UK’s international creative trade: A review of the official data sources
There is a growing recognition among policy makers and governments around the world of the importance of the creative industries. As these sectors continue to g...

The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement
We got there: a deal better than no-deal was eventually found. The two parties started with different priorities: the UK wanting more sovereignty and the EU wan...

International creative students: their significance for UK universities, regions and the creative industries
Assessing the value of higher education has become a divisive issue, in particular, the use of graduate earnings as a measure of “value for money”. Creative...

Home is where the art is
Why the government, funders and creative industries should come together to support cultural consumption in the Covid-19 crisis The world is at war against an i...

12 facts about the UK’s international trade in creative goods and services
Worldwide exports of creative goods exceeded 500 billion USD in 2015, with a 150% increase since 2002. In the UK, the creative industries have become an increas...

The migrant and skills needs of creative businesses in the UK
This report details the results of a survey of employers commissioned by the Creative Industries Council (CIC) from December 2017 to January 2018. The CIC surve...

How internationally competitive are the creative industries?
Creative industries in the global economy Recent international trends show that the creative industries are gaining pace not only in advanced economie...