UK Administration & Partnerships Manager (Creative UK)
Nataliya has joined as UK Administration & Partnerships Manager in a new fixed-term role, hosted with our partner Creative UK, designed to support and amplify the UK-relevant activities of EIT Culture & Creativity.
Nataliya’s role is to identify and share opportunities of interest to UK Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI), expanding the existing network of interested parties, and monitoring the impact of EIT Culture & Creativity in the UK.
Core Team
Sarah Najm
NUAcT Fellow in Economics of Creative Industries
Daniel Simandjuntak
Research Associate for the Creative PEC
Iqra Choudhry
Policy Engagement Manager at the Creative PEC
Hasan Bakhshi MBE
Nataliya Nikolova
UK Administration & Partnerships Manager (Creative UK)
Emily Hopkins
Policy Advisor
Nik Gunn
Policy Adviser
Anna Zabow
Head of Communications (job-share)
Alejandro Ramirez-Guerra
Research Associate at Newcastle University Business School
Tom Cahill-Jones
Research Network Manager
Simon Budgen
Head of Operations
Bernard Hay
Head of Policy
Duncan Todd
Finance and Administration Manager
Makena Guantai Day
Executive Assistant
Alice Kent
Head of Communications (job-share)
Giorgio Fazio
Research Director of Creative PEC and Chair of Macroeconomics at Newcastle University Business Schoo…