R&D, Innovation and Clusters
The Creative Industries can be found in every corner of the UK, but they are not spread evenly. Creative firms are concentrated in specific places, such as London or Edinburgh, and absent from others. When creative businesses operate near each other, as part of a ‘cluster’, they can benefit from economies of scale and knowledge spillovers.
Previous Creative PEC reports identified the geography of microclusters, clusters and corridors. Policymakers can use this understanding of clusters, for example to target R&D funding to support innovation and economic growth. The R&D, Innovation and Clusters State of the Nations reports provide regular overviews of R&D and innovation in Creative Industries businesses and of creative clusters.

Growth Finance for Creative Industries
Launched October 2024
Re-imagining growth finance could boost the creative economy and help tackle regional inequality in support of the UK’s Government’ s growth mission.
This new research finds that creative businesses are more likely to identify new R&D opportunities than businesses in other sectors but may face barriers in accessing the capital they need to act upon these.

Geographies of Creativity
Launched December 2023
Where do creative clusters arise and what can policymakers do to optimise intervention? This first report in our State of the Nations series explores three different levels of the UK’s creative industries geography: microclusters, clusters, and corridors.
The research shines a light on the role of microclusters in the creative industries, and explains why creative clusters are good targets for intervention and investment, and a key engine for economic growth in the UK.
State of the Nations Reports
Our State of the Nations reports provide a quantitative overview of developments in four key areas for Creative Industries research and policy. Reports in this series are published on a regular basis and include analysis of topical issues of interest to policymakers and industry.
Skills Mismatches in the UK’s Creative Industries
A Creative PEC State of the Nations Report The rapid growth of the UK’s creative industries has earn…
Foreign Direct Investment in the UK’s Creative Industries
A Creative PEC State of the Nations Report With the UK Government’s forthcoming industrial strategy …
Growth Finance for Creative Industries
A Creative PEC State of the Nations report Re-imagining growth finance could boost the creative econ…
Creative Further Education in the four UK nations
Our fourth State of the Nations report looks at student participation in creative further education …
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Improving economic statistics in the creative industries
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In Numbers
The number and size of creative businesses compared to the wider economy
of creative businesses are micro-businesses (fewer than 10 employees)
of all businesses in the UK are in the creative industries
Key Facts
Where are creative businesses located?