Measuring the economic value of digital culture
What are consumers are willing to pay for digital streaming services, and how do we measure it?...
Creative UK Access to Finance Survey: Share Your Views
Professor Hasan Bakhshi, Director Creative PEC and Josh Siepel, Research Lead, R&D, Innovation and Creative Clusters, Creative PEC Over the past few weeks, ...
Introducing the Global Creative Economy Council (GCEC)
Hasan Bakhshi and Rehana Mughal explain what the GCEC is trying to achieve and how the network will work...
Policy Briefing: R&D in the Creative Industries
The creative industries are one of the fastest growing sectors of the UK economy. One in eight UK businesses are part of the creative industries, and together t...
The art of R&D
The government has committed to increasing the amount of public money spent on research and development (R&D). Historically, R&D funding has gone toward...
Creative places: Growing the creative industries across the UK
This is in part because of the economic importance of the sector: one in eight UK businesses are part of the creative industries, and together they contributed ...
How differently has the creative workforce fared under COVID-19?
Previous PEC research undertaken in partnership with the Centre for Cultural Value shows how the creative workforce has been hit hard by the coronavirus (COVID-...
Business R&D in the arts, humanities and social sciences
What R&D in the arts, humanities & social sciences looks like in a business setting, and why it matters This policy briefing is based on research which ...
What we learned about digital cultural consumption as we went in and then came out of lockdown
Lockdown has had a calamitous impact on the arts and cultural sector, especially, but by no means exclusively, on venue-based organisations. The sector is natur...
Ten reflections on the consumption of digital culture in lockdown
This week we published some of the insights on cultural consumption during the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown from our Consumer Tracking Study, a collaborati...
Graduate motivations and the economic returns of creative higher education inside and outside the creative industries
Insights for policymakers The creative industries have experienced a glorious decade punctuated by a challenging year. Over the last 10 years, the sector has gr...
We need a creative EdTech revolution in the COVID-19 lockdown
The overnight migration of schooling to the home in lockdown has re-energised interest in the idea of an ‘EdTech’ revolution. Online platforms are being use...
Cultural consumption in the UK during the COVID-19 lockdown
The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 and the lockdown has led to unprecedented changes in how we live, including the ways in which we interact with cultural content....
Home is where the art is
Why the government, funders and creative industries should come together to support cultural consumption in the Covid-19 crisis The world is at war against an i...
10 tips for designing business surveys to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the creative industries
The COVID-19 crisis has generated an unprecedented level of economic disruption in a short space of time, with the nation’s economic activity having shifted e...
12 facts about the UK’s international trade in creative goods and services
Worldwide exports of creative goods exceeded 500 billion USD in 2015, with a 150% increase since 2002. In the UK, the creative industries have become an increas...
An opportunity for England to learn about the creativity of its people
There is a rapidly growing body of international evidence that employers, as they navigate an increasingly digital and complex world, will in the futu...
How evidence should guide manifesto promises on the Creative Industries
The creative industries – from film, to fashion, to creative technology – are rightly lauded as a thriving part of the UK economy, contributing ...
The creative digital skills revolution
A common finding in studies on the future of work is that employers will increasingly demand digital skills and creative skills. Some studies go furth...
A policy and research agenda for the creative industries
The economic statistics for the creative industries speak for themselves The UK’s Industrial Strategy recognises that the creative industries are a national s...