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Creative Education, Skills, Talents

Creative Education, Skills, Talent


The Creative Industries are a UK success story. Between 2011 – 2019, the sector grew at double the rate of the UK economy as a whole, and since 2015 has created 400,000 additional jobs. This success relies on a workforce of talented and motivated creative people, who have the right skills for the right roles.
However, previous Creative PEC research has identified severe skills gaps in the workforce, as well as issues related to a lack of diversity and inclusion in specific Creative Industries sub-sectors.

The Education, Skills, Talent State of the Nations reports provide regular updates on key issues related to the supply of and demand for creative talent in the UK’s Creative Industries.

Purple graphic with white box and Skills Mismatches In the UK's Creative Industries title

Skills Mismatches in the UK’s Creative Industries

Launched February 2025

This report looks at data around skills needed by employers and skills shortages in the creative industries. It also looks at hard-to-fill vacancies, under-utilised staff, and training provided by creative industries employers, concluding that the sector needs to consider future skills needs too.

Creative Further Education in the four UK nations

Launched July 2024

This report – the fourth in our State of the Nations series – looks at student participation in creative further education (FE) across all four UK nations and shows that there is a severe drop in participation.

As demand for skills grows, it is not being met by increased participation in creative learning. This indicates that there is a pipeline shortage for the UK’s growing creative economy.

State of the Nations Reports

Our State of the Nations reports provide a quantitative overview of developments in four key areas for Creative Industries research and policy. Reports in this series are published on a regular basis and include analysis of topical issues of interest to policymakers and industry.

Purple graphic with title Skills Mismatches in the UK's Creative Industries
Skills Mismatches in the UK’s Creative Industries

A Creative PEC State of the Nations Report The rapid growth of the UK’s creative industries has earn…

Foreign Direct Investment in the UKs Creative Industries
Foreign Direct Investment in the UK’s Creative Industries 

A Creative PEC State of the Nations Report With the UK Government’s forthcoming industrial strategy …

growth finance for creative industries
Growth Finance for Creative Industries

A Creative PEC State of the Nations report Re-imagining growth finance could boost the creative econ…

Creative Further Education in the four UK nations

Our fourth State of the Nations report looks at student participation in creative further education …

Publications and Posts

Research Reports
Beyond growth: promoting inclusive development of creative clusters in the UK

The UK creative industries have been an economic powerhouse for over two decades, contributing £125 …

film crew filming in busy street
Improving young people’s access and progression in work in film, TV and games

Young people can face significant barriers to achieving their full potential in UK society. Disparit…

abstract art
The Good Work Review

The Good Work Review is the first examination of job quality across the entire creative industries. …

photographer wearing orange woolen hat
Enhancing creative education

Creative education, which covers a wide array of subjects, from art and design, to media, dance and …

image of person drawing on paper - courtesy of Retha Ferguson
For love or money

Graduate motivations and the economic returns of creative higher education inside and outside the cr…

image of fashion photo shoot with model and crew
The creative digital skills revolution

A common finding in studies on the future of work is that employers will increasingly dema…

abstract artwork
The migrant and skills needs of creative businesses in the UK

This report details the results of a survey of employers commissioned by the Creative Industries Cou…

abstract artwork
Creativity and the future of skills

At a time when all jobs, whether in a coffee shop or a bank, can seemingly be described as creative,…

Press Releases
Creative Business Panel Logo on white background
New Government-backed survey will provide unprecedent insight on what drives growth in the creative industries

In further indication of the increasing importance the Government is putting on the creative industr…

Purple graphic with white box and Skills Mismatches In the UK's Creative Industries title
UK Government’s growth ambitions threatened by widening creative industries skills gap

Embargoed 00.01 GMT Wednesday 12 February 2025 The rapid growth of the UK’s creative industries has …

Foreign Direct Investment in the UKs Creative Industries
Invest at scale in place-based approaches to unleash potential of ‘Foreign Direct Investment’ in UK’s creative industries says new research

Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 20 November 2024 GMT With the UK Government’s forthcoming industrial strat…

growth finance for creative industries
With the right financial support creative industries could fuel the Government’s growth mission and help tackle persistent regional inequality

A new report published today by the AHRC-funded Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Crea…

Access to Finance: launch of new research project

New research is being undertaken by Creative UK in partnership with the Creative Industries Policy a…

New research points to a looming creative economy skills shortage across the UK

New report shows ‘severe’ decline in creative further education participation Embargoed 17 July 00.0…

Press Release: New research, including – once in a decade data – provides comprehensive overview of audiences and workforce across arts, culture and heritage.

Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 15 May 2024 (BST) For the first time, census data has been used to provide…

Press Release: UK’s creative industries are an export success story

New report shows creative strength despite Brexit and Covid Embargoed 00.01 Wednesday 20 March 2024,…

Introducing the Creative PEC’s Research Fellows Network 

By Professor Hasan Bakhshi, Director Creative PEC and Professor Giorgio Fazio, Director of Research …

Angel of the North - boris-yue
‘One Creative North’ plans finalised at summit ahead of Convention of the North

30 organisations meet to set out a bold new vision for the north of England’s creative industries To…

Press Release: Investing in ‘creative clusters’ is key to economic growth– and helping to level up the UK economy

A new report published today, provides fresh insight on where policy intervention could be best targ…

city centre shopping street scene
Press release: With coordinated action North of England based creative industries could add £10bn to the UK economy

Today, the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and the Creative Industries Polic…

riverside scene in Northern Ireland town
How a placed-based employment programme is bringing creative workers back to Northern Ireland

The Department for Communities (DfC) recently awarded £4.7 million to Future Screens NI (F…

pieces of coloured chalk on brown paper
Class inequality in the Creative Industries is rooted in unequal access to arts and cultural education

There is an incoherence at the heart of government policy. While Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is…

artist brushes and pens sat on large piece of white card
Differences in creativity across Art and STEM: We are more alike than unalike

There is a rapidly growing body of international evidence(1) that skills such as creative probl…

library shelves, chairs and tables in glass walled room
What value Higher Education?

Education is an investment, and not just in a narrow financial sense. It is often life changing, and…

coloured cables plugged into back of amplifer circuit board
Wired! How 24/7 culture can put pressure on social media employees in the creative industries

What can professional networks, industry, funders and policy-makers do to ensure that digital worker…

blue wooden fence with computer illustration painted on it
Plugging the Data Gap: Freelance Workers in the Creative Industries

The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the lack of available data on the self-employed and freelance wo…

solo singer with guitar in open air restaurant
How differently has the creative workforce fared under COVID-19?

Previous PEC research undertaken in partnership with the Centre for Cultural Value shows how the cre…

Paint brushes
One size can’t fit all

On February 10th the House of Commons Treasury Committee published the latest report of their i…

performers on stage
Freelancers in the Dark

This blog is based on the Freelancer in the Dark Interim Report #1 which will be published…

two people working on a computer
What does the Skills for Jobs White Paper mean for Creative Industries?

A good start but the devil will be in the detail Last week, after much anticipation, and numerous le…

people silhoulette against glass wall lit with blue lights
A jobs crisis in the cultural and creative industries

The impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries, and particularly on the cultural sector, has been…

artist studio
Who is working second jobs in the creative economy?

Recent reports that Chancellor Rishi Sunak suggested cultural and creative workers find alternative …

In Numbers

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Key Facts

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