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PEC and COVID-19: all our published work to date

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Everything PEC has published on Covid-19 over the last 12 months

A summary of everything that we have published about COVID-19 and the impact of lockdown and the pandemic on the creative industries

Cultural consumption in the UK – data and analysis from the six month study

Date published: 04 June 2021

Type: Feature

Summary: A feature page collecting all of the data and blogs published as part of PEC’s COVID-19 digital consumer survey tracker in partnership with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and the research agency AudienceNet. 

Researchers followed a cohort of 1,000 consumers over a six-week period of time, and track their consumption of digital media including music, film, TV, video games, books, and even filmed performances of theatre and online museum collections

Plugging the Data Gap: Freelance Workers in the Creative Industries

Date published: 24 May 2021 

Type: Blog

Summary: Dr Inge Panneels and her colleagues describe their project mapping the geographical spread and economic activities of the Creative Industries in the South East Scotland area and Wales in order to build a picture of creative communities. 

This process exposed a severe lack of employment data on freelancers in the creative industries, a gap that needs to be plugged if we want to design policy to properly support self-employed workers in the creative industries.

Freelancers in the Creative Industries

Date published: 14 May 2021

Type: Policy brief

Summary: A brief to help policymakers understand freelancers in the creative industries, summarising all of the research that has been published to date as part of Freelancer Fortnight, and setting out recommendations and next steps for government and policy makers.

Recovery and growth for creative freelancers: during and post-pandemic

Date published: 11 May 2021

Type: Policy brief

Summary: A policy brief based on consultations with PEC’s network of industry champions, in partnership with the Centre for Cultural Value. The industry champions provide insight from their own experience as creative freelancers during the pandemic, and make recommendations for how to better support self-employed workers in the creative industries. Published as part of Freelancer Fortnight

How differently has the creative workforce fared under COVID-19?

Date published: 10 May 2021

Type: Blog

Summary: A blog describing the first set of findings from a project with the University of Westminster & ESCoE,  to analyse changes in the UK’s creative workforce since 2001. The blog focuses on the experience of freelancers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Published as part of Freelancer Fortnight

The challenges facing freelancers in Scottish Film and TV

Date published: 04 May 2021

Type: Discussion Paper

Summary: A discussion paper identifying the barriers to sustaining a freelance career in film and TV, based on an analysis of Film Bang, the Scottish Film and TV employment directory. This discussion paper is a part of the PEC’s first series of commissioned research projects. It is a part of the project ‘Film Bang 1976-2020 – resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries’, by the research team from Edinburgh Napier University, in collaboration with Marianne Mellin from Film Bang. Published as part of Freelancer Fortnight

One size can’t fit all

Date blog : 04 May 2021

Type: Event

Summary:The launch blog for the Freelancer Fortnight campaign, One Size Can’t Fit All, summarising PEC’s research on how to design policies and employment programmes to properly support freelancers and self-employed workers in the creative industry. Published as part of Freelancer Fortnight

Freelancers in the Dark

Date published: 04 May 2021

Type: Event

Summary: A blog from Dr Laura Harris describing her research looking at the effect of COVID-19 on theatre freelancers, based on a survey with 397 respondents. Published as part of Freelancer Fortnight

One Size Can’t Fit All: A Fortnight of Research and Policy on Creative Freelancers

Date published: 04 May 2021

Type: Feature

Summary: The page collecting all of our publications from Freelancer Fortnight – two weeks of the latest research and policy to help support creative freelancers as we come out of lockdown

How the pandemic is impacting creative sectors around the world

Date published: 13 April 2021

Type: Feature

Summary: This Feature is a collection of articles published over the past months as part of PEC’s International Council. They have provided us with insight into different challenges, experiences, and sources of inspiration found across the world in the creative sector during this time. Stories from the Council have been illuminating, concerning, and even uplifting. In this blog series, we hear experiences from Edna dos Santos-Duisenberg in Brazil, from George Gachara in East Africa, and from Laura Callanan in the United States.

COVID-19: “The great unequaliser?”

Date published: 12 March 2021

Type: Event

Summary: This event is the first research webinar from the COVID-19 national research project, led by the Centre for Cultural Value in collaboration with the PEC and The Audience Agency.

On-Demand Culture: How the lockdown is changing games and streaming services

Date published: 28 January 2021

Type: Policy brief

Summary: This insights paper from Nesta and PEC researchers Raphael Leung and John Davies focuses on some of the highest profile on-demand media services: Netflix, Steam, Spotify, and Twitch, to examine the changes in the way people consume digital and streaming content

A jobs crisis in the cultural and creative industries

Date published: 10 December 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: the first from a new AHRC funded project analysing the impact of the pandemic on the cultural sector. The project is a partnership between the PEC and the Centre for Cultural Value.

The impact of COVID-19 on diversity in the creative industries

Date published: 02 December 2020

Type: Policy brief

Summary: As part of our research agenda on the industry’s response to COVID-19, we partnered with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Creative Diversity to convene a panel of Industry Champions and APPG partners on the impact of the pandemic on diversity in their organisations and sectors. 

This briefing outlines the key points discussed by the panel. In addition to spelling out implications for industry, there are also insights for devolved and central government as well as funding bodies.

Understanding how our habits of cultural consumption changed during lockdown – newest survey data

Date published: 26 November 2020

Type: Policy brief

Summary: Insights from a nine-week study into consumers cultural consumption habits. The study aims to measure the impact that lockdown has had on the creative industries, by asking people about their habits of cultural consumption, such as the amount of TV they watch or how they listen to music, and whether it has changed in 2020.  

What we learned about digital cultural consumption as we went in and then came out of lockdown 

Date published: 26 November 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: Our Director Hasan Bakhshi reflects on the latest findings from a survey asking people about how they consumed cultural content over the last six months

What is the impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries?

Date: 3 November 2020

Type: News entry

Summary: A resource page, listing all open and closed surveys currently run by other organisations, looking to gather data on the impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries. 

COVID-19: Impacts on the cultural industries and the implications for policy

Date published: 29 September 2020

Type: News entry

Summary: This national research project is exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on the cultural sector across the UK and highlighting the implications for policy making. Delivered in collaboration with the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) and The Audience Agency, the project will run for 15 months from 1st September 2020.

Business model disruption and innovation during COVID-19 in the creative content industries

Date published: 03 September 2020

Type: Policy brief

Summary: To understand how COVID-19 continues to affect the creative industries, we have consulted our Industry Champions about their experience of business model disruption and innovation within their own organisations during the pandemic. This brief summaries the views and experiences raised by a panel held in June 2020

Rebuilding a more inclusive creative economy

Date published: 27 August 2020

Summary:  New research that provides an up-to-date picture of workforce demographics in the creative industries. In particular, it considers class and social mobility, and finds widespread and persistent class imbalances, that have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As lockdown eased: How our habits of cultural consumption at home are changing

Date published: 26 August 2020

Type: Policy brief

Summary: Findings from the extension of a six-week study with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and Audience Net, that seeks to understand how people were consuming digital content at home and how their habits of cultural consumption had changed since pre COVID-19. 

Ten reflections on the consumption of digital culture in lockdown

Date published: 7 August 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: Ten reflections on some of the insights on cultural consumption during the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown from our Consumer Tracking Study, a collaboration with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and the research agency, AudienceNet.

Brazilian culture and creativity during COVID-19: Solidarity and lives

Date published: 08 July 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: Insights from PEC’s International Council into different challenges, experiences, and sources of inspiration found across the world in the creative sector during the pandemic. In the second in this blog series, Edna dos Santos-Duisenberg shares experiences from Brazil.

Arts and culture: The need for a ‘live’ support system

Date published: 6 July 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: Andy Pratt, Professor of Cultural Economy, City, University of London, discusses what the government needs to do to support the creative industries through the lockdown, and why the creative industries are so vital for society and economy. 

A live music map for Birmingham in times of COVID-19

Date published: 26 June 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: The Birmingham Live Music Project (BLMP) interactive map is the first ever comprehensive map of Birmingham’s music venues.Patrycja Rozbicka, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Aston University describes how her team created the map, and how it can be used to identify the most acute needs of local creative organisations.  

The importance of a UK-wide recovery plan for the creative industries

Date published: 16 June 2020

Type: Policy Brief

Summary: This policy briefing highlights research from recent papers and puts forward policy suggestions to help the creative industries to recover from the economic impact of the recent pandemic and subsequent shut down.

We need a creative EdTech revolution in the COVID-19 lockdown

Date published: 21 May 2020

Type: blog

Summary: Hasan Bakhshi and Ian Livingstone CBE discuss the challenges facing children and the education sector over lockdown, and how policy makers can create new digital education platforms to make sure that children continue to learn through the pandemic. 

Class, COVID-19, and cultural occupations

Date published: 1 May 2020

Type: blog

Summary: In this blog by Dr Dave O’Brien, University of Edinburgh, discusses the the longstanding issues of inequality in the cultural sector, highlighting what research can tell us about longer term issues facing cultural occupations.

Cultural consumption in the UK during the COVID-19 lockdown

Date published: 29 April 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: A blog by Hasan Bakhshi, introducing a new project, in partnership with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and research agency, AudienceNetm to follow a cohort of 1,000 consumers over a six-week period of time and summarising the findings from the first week of data collected. 

10 tips for designing business surveys to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the creative industries

Date published: 3 April 2020

Type: Blog

Summary: In this blog, Dr Josh Siepel, James Murray and Hasan Bakhshi offer their top tips for how to approach survey design, based on years of experience of designing creative industries business surveys, including a major new survey on creative clusters later this year from the PEC. 

The impact of COVID-19 on arts and cultural charities

Date published: 31 March

Type: Blog

Summary: Raphael Leung and Eliza Easton discuss PEC and Nesta’s latest research,  Charities speak, an analysis of the role played by the creative charities during COVID-19, and the impact of the pandemic on the sector

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