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The Creative PEC was founded in 2018 to bridge the worlds of policy, research and industry in the UK’s creative industries. Since then, we have published over 60 in-depth, high-quality research reports, to build a bank of evidence to inform policy to support the growth of the creative sector across a range of fields, from innovation and technology to education and diversity.


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Research and Policy

State of the Nations

The Creative Education, Skills, Talent State of the Nations reports provide regular updates on key issues related to the supply of and demand for creative talent in the UK’s Creative Industries. The Creative Education, Skills and Talent theme is led by researchers at Work Advance

Our Internationalisation State of the Nations reports provide regular overviews of international activity of the UK’s creative industries, in particular international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and migration. The Internationalisation theme is led by researchers from the Newcastle University.

The Arts, Culture and Heritage Sectors State of the Nations reports provide regular reporting on key issues of supply and demand facing the Arts, Culture and Heritage Sectors. The Arts, Culture and Heritage Sectors theme is led by researchers at Sheffield University.

The R&D, Innovation and Clusters State of the Nations reports provide regular overviews of R&D and innovation in Creative Industries businesses and creative clusters. The R&D, Innovation and Clusters theme is led by researchers at Sussex University.

Latest Research Reports

Beyond growth: promoting inclusive development of creative clusters in the UK

The UK creative industries have been an economic powerhouse for over two decades, contributing £125 …

Improving economic statistics in the creative industries

Towards multi-regional creative industries satellite accounts In today’s ever-evolving economi…

East London Youth Dance Company - dancers performing on stage
Impact Investing in the Cultural and Creative Sectors: Insights from an emerging field

This report identifies a burgeoning movement of investing for impact in the cultural and creative se…

film crew filming in busy street
Improving young people’s access and progression in work in film, TV and games

Young people can face significant barriers to achieving their full potential in UK society. Disparit…

photo of inside a large glass building with trees - water feature and mono rail train
Tomorrow comes today

This comprehensive new report provides evidence and commentary to highlight the key features of the …

Clothing factory
Fashion MSMEs confronting climate change, COVID-19 and Brexit

This discussion paper presents findings from a study which analysed the impact of climate change, CO…

Research by Theme

Explore our published research covering the ten thematic areas of the research programme established in the first five years of the Creative PEC.


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