Research that cuts across all of our themes.
Publications and Posts
Research Reports
Policy Briefings
Discussion Papers

Public Service Broadcasting
A widely agreed definition of public service broadcasting is that it should revolve around a public service ethos, one that stands in contrast t...

Business Models & Access to Finance
Business models refer to the ways in which businesses organise themselves to provide value to customers and generate revenue. Creative businesse...

Diversity and Inclusion
Academic research and high-profile campaigns have established that the creative industries have serious institutional and workforce problems. Th...

R&D and Innovation
The innovation process involves the research, development, and introduction of new products, services, experiences, production processes and way...

AI, Intellectual Property and Regulation
Exploring the ways in which people’s rights to benefit from their creative products and services are protected, and how the emergence of new t...

Skills, Jobs, and Education
The success of the creative industries can be attributed in large part to its workforce. It is the talents, capabilities and innovation of creat...

International, Trade and Immigration
The creative industries are global. Countries around the world are increasingly prioritising them in an attempt to harness their economic, socia...

The Value of Arts and Culture
Measuring the economic and social value of the arts and cultural sector to local and national economies is critical. The experiences of arts and...

State of the Nations
The Creative PEC’s ‘State of the Nations’ report series uses the latest data to inform policymakers, industry and researchers on economic developments in ...

Geography of the Creative Industries
Companies, organisations and practitioners in the creative industries tend to be physically near each other, often in localised clusters. But wh...

Press release: With coordinated action North of England based creative industries could add £10bn to the UK economy
Today, the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC), led by Newcastle Unive...

Press Release: ‘Creative Corridors’ can be the key to the UK’s creative industries’ ambitions
Today (Saturday 16 September), three major institutions announce a joint agreement to work together to determine the skills, policies and investment required to...

Alejandro Ramirez-Guerra
Research Associate at Newcastle University Business School...

Mark Taylor
Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield...

Siobhan McAndrew
Senior Lecturer in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield...

Press release: Relationship between creative industries and gentrification overstated says new study
August 2023 – It’s a commonly held view that the arts drive gentrification. Many city leaders argue that new creative firms and a growing artistic popul...

Press Release: Could the UK be a creative haven for writers? With support from policymakers, yes, says new report
17 August 2023 – The latest Authors’ Earnings Survey, from researchers at the CREATe Research Centre at the University of Glasgow, made for concerning r...

Speaking with One Voice
A fundamental remit of the BBC, and other public service broadcasters (PSBs) like ITV and Channel 4, is to provide a high quality public service, that informs, ...

Rewatch the State of Creativity
Missed the State of Creativity? Now you can watch the whole thing online You can watch below, or go directly to our Youtube channel. The event has been ful...

Press release: Landmark Creative Industries report says: prioritise creative education, end unequal access to the arts and focus on the regenerative power of the creative sector
27 April 2023 – Today, the Creative PEC launches a landmark report – The State of Creativity – reflecting on 25 years of creati...

Working Together – Cooperatives as a creative industry business model
This authors looks at how creative workers and students typically understand cooperatives, explore the skills and training people need to set up cooperatives, a...

Press release: Major review of job quality in the Creative Industries
Published today: 23rd February 2023 Download the Press Release The Creative Industries – from fashion and film to video games and visual arts – are ...

The State of Creativity – A free, one-day conference
Join creative industry policy makers, researchers and practitioners from around the UK for a day of lightning talks, panel discussions, keynotes and performance...

Work Advance & PEC oral evidence to House of Lords: Creative Futures 2022
The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the future of the UK’s creative industries – Creative Futures. The Co...

Press release: Landmark report on the Creative Industries and Climate Emergency heralded as a ‘call to action’
A sector by sector overview of activity taking place in the creative industries to achieve Net Zero Wednesday 19 October 2022 – Ahead of COP 27, a landmar...

PEC Response to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee inquiry “A creative future”
This submission from the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre responds to the questions posed by the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committ...

PEC Submission to the DCMS consultation on ‘A change of ownership of Channel 4 Television Corporation’
This submission of written evidence was prepared in response to the ‘Consultation on a change of ownership of Channel 4 Television Corporation,’ Department ...

Press release: Poorest areas excluded from Manchester’s creative industries success story
Research shows poorest parts of Manchester have few firms & little/no employment in creative sector 29 September 2022 – Manchester has long been consi...

Press release: What happens to coastal towns when the holiday-makers leave?
Could investment in the Creative Industries be key to year-round, economic development? Could investment in the Creative Industries be key to year-round, econom...

Levelling Up and the Creative Industries: Resources for Local Authorities
Data and evidence to help local authorities understand levelling up and the creative industries These resources are designed for those working in Local Authorit...

National Statistics on the Creative Industries
A page collecting statistics from PEC’s research and other sources about the Creative Industries In 2001 the Creative Industries were defined by the Depar...

Further reading and references about levelling up and the Creative Industries
First study from the PEC uses 35 million UK job adverts to look at creativity & the future workforce This page is a combination of the PEC’s published...

How to use up the Levelling Up Resources
The welcome page for our Levelling Up resources for local authorities This collection of resources is designed for those working in Local Authorities (LAs) who ...

Creative Clusters Case Studies
Creative Clusters – Case Studies The creative clusters in these case studies share some common factors that can lead to success. For example, the role per...

Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre
The PEC are looking for a new host after AHRC announced their intention to continue funding our work We are delighted to announce that Arts and Humanities Resea...

Response to the DCMS Committee ‘Cultural Placemaking and the Levelling Up Agenda’
This submission from the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre aims to answer the questions posed by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (D...

PEC Response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s proposed study ‘Music and streaming market’
This submission responds to the consultation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) as part of its proposed market study on the ‘music and streaming ...

Take part in the PEC’s Good Work Review
A call for evidence about the quality of work in the creative sector Call for Evidence Deadline for responses: 5pm Friday 29 April 2022 Download the Call for Ev...

Press release: New independent review marks vital opportunity to improve working conditions in the Creative Industries
PEC launches six-week Call for Evidence for submissions on job quality and working practices Monday 21 March 2022 – The Creative Industries Policy an...

PEC’s Submission to the DCMS Committee inquiry Promoting Britain Abroad
This submission – made from the PEC to the DCMS Committee in January 2022 – addresses the role that the UK’s creative industries play (and could p...

PEC’s Submission to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee inquiry into the future of Channel 4
This submission is co-authored by Dr Tom Chivers and Professor Stuart Allan on behalf of the ‘Arts, Culture and Public Service Broadcasting’ workstrand at C...