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Man wearing orange with painted face at a festival.
The Mahakumbh Mela, India, 2025

The festival economy: A Priceless Moment in Time Worth GBP 280 Billion in Trade Jairaj Mashru looks …

black and white photo of two men with a film camera
Class inequalities in film funding

Professor Dave O’Brien, University of Manchester, Dr Peter Campbell, University of Liverpool and Dr …

person typing on a laptop
Creative self-employed workforce in England and Wales

Dr Ruoxi Wang, University of Sheffield and Bernard Hay, Head of Policy at Creative PEC Self-employed…

Yellow sticky notes on a glass brick wall.
What just happened to funding for culture in Scotland?

First the facts: Creative Scotland announced the outcome of its new Multi-Year Funding Programme on …

Computer circuit with AI chip
Copyright and AI – a new AI Intellectual Property Right for composers, authors and artists

Background The new technology landscape emerging from the super rapid progress in developing AI, Gen…

A year in review
Creative PEC: A Year in Review

Looking back at Creative PEC in 2024 – a year of policy, research and industry achievements, events,…

Abstract art - Art UK
Measuring the economic value of digital culture

What are consumers are willing to pay for digital streaming services, and how do we measure it?

People working collaboratively at a desk
Lifelong learning in the creative industries, part 2: the solutions 

In part 2 of the blog, our Industry Champions discuss possible solutions to the challenges of lifelo…

Artist studio image by Matthieu Comoy
Lifelong learning in the creative industries – part 1: the challenges

Our Industry Champions discussed the challenges faced in creative industries education and lifelong …

View along the river Tyne.
Creative Corridors: Connecting Clusters to Unleash Potential

Introducing the Creative Corridors framework.

Creative UK Access to Finance Survey: Share Your Views

Professor Hasan Bakhshi, Director Creative PEC and Josh Siepel, Research Lead, R&D, Innovation a…

Unlocking the power and potential of the U.S. creative industries

Cellist Yo-Yo Ma in conversation with Upstart Co-Lab Founding Partner Laura Callanan at “Inves…

Reflecting on a year of State of the Nations reports

We’ve now published a full cycle of our new ‘State of the Nations’ series – which use th…

Copyright protection in AI-generated works: Evolving approaches in the EU and China

Prof Kristofer Erickson discusses the different approaches the EU and China have taken in response t…

Creative PEC’s response to the Spring Budget 2024

Creative Industries in the 2024 Spring Budget The creative industries are a significant part of the …

Abstract image by Shahadat rahman
Copyright protection in AI-generated works

Timely exploration of copyright law and AI generated creative content

image of cinema
The economic value of cinema venues to their communities

In a tough economic climate for cinemas and where there is limited public funding, it is important t…

image of camera person filiming group in a room
Creative diversity in higher education

As the APPG for Creative Diversity launches their annual report, ‘Making the Creative Maj…

abstract art
Estimating the Contribution of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) R&D to Creative Industries R&D

The UK’s creative industries are hugely innovative; PEC research has suggested that over two-th…

TV Studio Gallery
The Media Bill and the future of Public Service Broadcasting policy

In March the government published the first draft of its long-awaited Media Bill. The Bill prop…

Inside view of Victorian Shopping Arcade
Creative spillovers: Do the creative industries benefit firms in the wider economy?

The creative industries are a force for innovation in the UK. Firms in the creative industries (CIs)…

River Thames London with view of Houses of Parliament
The PEC’s response to the 2023 Spring Budget

The creative industries are a vital part of the UK economy. There are, however, some continued chall…

photographer studio set
Re-imagining Channel 4’s Future

Michelle Donelan, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, has formally …

crowd outside with confetti dropping from sky
A new deal for arts funding in England?

When thinking about why we publicly fund the arts, we can point to their multifaceted benefits. Not …

University of Birmingham music building
Too many demands are being placed on universities to support their regional economies, without sufficient support and partnership

The creative industries have long been heralded as a UK success story. The creative economy grew at …

image of bit coins
Can you own a pixel?

This blog is based on the discussion paper Crypto Art and Questions of Value, a guide for anyon…

Houses of Parliament
What the Autumn Budget means for the Creative Industries

With the UK almost certainly entering a recession – Q3 has seen negative GDP growth – and inflation …

TV Transmissions masts
Trade in creative services: scale, trends, and geography

Creative services such as advertising, publishing, and design are an important part of global trade.…

reels of cotton in wall rack
How data analysis of colour can help courts make objective decisions about trademarks

The overall appearance of a product or service is called ‘trade dress’, according to trademark law. …

riverside scene in Northern Ireland town
How a placed-based employment programme is bringing creative workers back to Northern Ireland

The Department for Communities (DfC) recently awarded £4.7 million to Future Screens NI (F…

person taking a photo on a mobile phone
New research suggests regulation could actually enhance user-creativity on the platform giants

Video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok provide a free space for everyone to shar…

tall ship in harbour
Eight things to know about the Creative Industries

What are the Creative Industries? The Creative Industries are a diverse and complex sector made up o…

person writing with marker on white board
How to find out more about your local Creative Industries

How those bidding for levelling up funds can find out more about their local Creative Industries Alt…

black iron railings with coloured bunting
Creative Clusters Case Studies

Creative Clusters – Case Studies The creative clusters in these case studies share some common…

person with VR headset and hadn controllers
How Research and Innovation can help level-up the Creative Industries

The Levelling-Up White Paper produced by the Department for Levelling-Up, Housing and…

pieces of coloured chalk on brown paper
Class inequality in the Creative Industries is rooted in unequal access to arts and cultural education

There is an incoherence at the heart of government policy. While Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is…

rural village with hills in background
How can policy makers help rural creative businesses contribute to Levelling Up?

The creative industries have the potential to play a major role in the development of rural communit…

TV camera
Channel 4: Streaming on the world stage? Competing in the Changing Media Landscape

On April 28th, ‘The Government’s Vision for the Broadcasting Sector’ (CP 671) was published. The Whi…

Outside shot of BBC building
Envisioning Broadcasting Anew: the future of UK broadcasting policy

Last week the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) released its long-awaited&nbsp…

TV Studio Gallery
Privatising Channel 4: The evidence behind the debate

On April 4th the government confirmed its plans to privatise Channel 4, the UK’s publicly …

artist brushes and pens sat on large piece of white card
Differences in creativity across Art and STEM: We are more alike than unalike

There is a rapidly growing body of international evidence(1) that skills such as creative probl…

rolls of fabric under counter
How our Industry Champions helped define our policy priorities for 2022

The creative industries is a wide and evolving sector. As such, when developing policy recommendatio…

A new age for the creative industries…and the UK

Back in October last year, Peter Bazalgette, Chair of ITV, made an inspiring speech where he argued …

artist studio
Key Facts About R&D in the Creative Industries

R&D plays a key role in the innovation processes of many businesses, and is also a driver of eco…

music concert scene with crowd in silhouette
Agile innovation funding is the solution for the UK Creative Industries

In 2020, during the height of the first Covid wave, Innovate UK ran a multi-million pound funding co…

image of person in grey body suit and mask moving past stage scene of forrest
Creative R&D: where are we now?

It’s five years since Nesta first identified “Creative R&D” as a distinct and distinct…

The Big Fix Up Ⓒ Aardman Animation
How lessons from UKRI’s Creative Industries Challenge Programmes should transform the way we invest in R&D

After 20 years of evidence gathering, the economic importance of the Creative Industries is widely r…

International Council team photo
How to support the creative industries around the world

‘We need a change in mindset’ On 7 December 2021 the PEC’s International Council launched …

library shelves, chairs and tables in glass walled room
What value Higher Education?

Education is an investment, and not just in a narrow financial sense. It is often life changing, and…

coloured cables plugged into back of amplifer circuit board
Wired! How 24/7 culture can put pressure on social media employees in the creative industries

What can professional networks, industry, funders and policy-makers do to ensure that digital worker…

River Thames London with Westminster Bridge and Houses of Parliament in view
PEC’s comment on the 2021 Spending Review and Autumn Budget

The UK’s creative industries – from film to fashion, and from video games to the performing ar…

backstage at a theatre with theatre equipment
How theatre can contribute to the UK’s net-zero targets

“It is with ambition, courage and collaboration as we approach the crucial COP26 summit in the UK th…

people sat on park bench
Managing transition in the UK fashion sector

The UK fashion industry, like other sectors, is experiencing significant transformation due to the c…

map of Cambodia on glass wall with person in face mask viewing it
Art, climate science and policy

Can art play a role in the intersection of climate science and policy? I have been researching …

large concert hall with orchestra on stage
Investment into R&D will be vital for the recovery of creative and cultural organisations

The summer and autumn of 2021 has been busy for those researching the impacts of the pandemic on the…

abstract art
What works to support equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Creative Industries?

Inequality is currently a key concern for academics, policymakers, and the public. In the UK we can …

people on top of vehicle performing at a carnival
The austerity decade: local government spending on culture

Local government has been hit hard by austerity. On average, grants from central to local government…

industrial factory near canal
When policy meets place: ‘Levelling Up’ and the culture and creative industries

The UK Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ agenda aims to address regional disparities in economic prosperit…

blue wooden fence with computer illustration painted on it
Plugging the Data Gap: Freelance Workers in the Creative Industries

The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the lack of available data on the self-employed and freelance wo…

solo singer with guitar in open air restaurant
How differently has the creative workforce fared under COVID-19?

Previous PEC research undertaken in partnership with the Centre for Cultural Value shows how the cre…

Paint brushes
One size can’t fit all

On February 10th the House of Commons Treasury Committee published the latest report of their i…

performers on stage
Freelancers in the Dark

This blog is based on the Freelancer in the Dark Interim Report #1 which will be published…

pink and orange wall
How the pandemic is impacting creative sectors around the world

The creative industries have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Over the past months our…

person hand sewing fabric near a sewing machine
The Brexit shock in the UK’s fashion and textile industry

While the dreaded no-deal scenario did not materialise when the UK left the EU single market and cus…

abstract art
A little greyer and a bit more rectangular?

Using online museum collections to study the design of everyday objects A little greyer? We tracked …

two people working on a computer
What does the Skills for Jobs White Paper mean for Creative Industries?

A good start but the devil will be in the detail Last week, after much anticipation, and numerous le…

rusty open backed van
The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

We got there: a deal better than no-deal was eventually found. The two parties started with differen…

computer keyboard
Gating the gatekeepers

The responsibilities of platforms for their content is changing, in the UK, in the EU and globally T…

band on stage playing guitars
The impact of Brexit on UK’s cultural and creative sectors: More heat than light?

The creative industries have been a pillar of the UK’s industrial strategies in the past two decades…

people silhoulette against glass wall lit with blue lights
A jobs crisis in the cultural and creative industries

The impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries, and particularly on the cultural sector, has been…

image of interior rook structure made of concrete squares
Why regulating the public sphere matters more than ever

Schlesinger argues that in capitalist democracies we can only guess at how the post-public sphere wi…

person at desk working on laptap
What we learned about digital cultural consumption as we went in and then came out of lockdown

Lockdown has had a calamitous impact on the arts and cultural sector, especially, but by no means ex…

River Tyne Newcastle
Small engines of growth: Understanding creative microclusters

Think about a creative cluster: What comes to mind? Creative clusters are the buzzing centres of the…

artist studio
Who is working second jobs in the creative economy?

Recent reports that Chancellor Rishi Sunak suggested cultural and creative workers find alternative …

metal frame structure outside on grass
Free-time, leisure, culture and learning in 2020

The beginning of this new decade, the 2020s, was marked by irreversible disruptions. For the first t…


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